Culture In praise of 50th high school reunions The author (far right) having a ball at his 50th. by John Hamer / October 4, 2014
Politics Advice for Britain's new National Press Regulator In the wake of recent scandals, Britain's politicians want to regulate the country's naughty media. Our own Washington News Council might make a better model. by John Hamer / March 31, 2013
Politics How Sam Reed bent his sword against KIRO-TV Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed by John Hamer / September 29, 2011
Equity Bird-dogging news errors in the modern media age Many newspapers are scaling back operations. by John Hamer / May 27, 2011
Ira Glass tells some trade secrets of 'This American Life' Ira Glass, host and creator of "This American Life" by John Hamer / August 28, 2010
Politics Behind 'Seattle Times' winning a Pulitzer A near-empty newsroom suddenly filled with journalists. But what came next was unprecedented, a true networking between a newspaper and citizens. by John Hamer / June 24, 2010
Politics Emulating Britain's writing awards might improve political journalism The Orwell Prizes, named after the author of '1984,' reward serious political writing, by journalists, authors, and bloggers. by John Hamer / May 27, 2010
Alone at the press table The Seattle Foundation issues a major report on how to create a healthy region. So where were the reporters? by John Hamer / June 8, 2009