Tech Learning from Satya Nadella's comments Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. by Ed Lazowska / October 12, 2014
Politics Why the I-1098 income tax measure is good for the state Ed Lazowska, who holds the Bill and Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. (UW) by Ed Lazowska / September 23, 2010
Politics How budget cuts short-changed the UW Ed Lazowska, who holds the Bill and Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. (UW) by Ed Lazowska / December 21, 2009
Politics 2008: Year of Hope, Year of Fear. Essay 5 The University of Washington branch campus in Tacoma. (UW) by Ed Lazowska / December 29, 2008
Tech Seattle has a distinct and remarkable tech ecosystem In response to Margaret O'Mara's article about Silicon Valley and Seattle, let's agree that everybody understands that we must build upon our advantages and preserve our distinctiveness, as she... by Ed Lazowska / February 19, 2008