In today's headlines, echoes of our fascist past Washington Silver Shirt leader Orville Roundtree speaking to a group of members in Chehalis. by Knute Berger / December 10, 2015
Opinion The Northwest's uneasy relationship with fascism There was a time when many people in Seattle and Washington state embraced fascism. by Knute Berger / December 10, 2015
Culture Harry Belafonte on activism, unrest and the importance of making people squirm Harry Belafonte at the Montclair Film Festival. by Cambria Roth / October 7, 2015
Hookah lounges: not the problem Seattle faces Activists gathered in Westlake Park on Monday before going to Seattle City Council to protest efforts to close hookah lounges and build a new juvenile detention facility. by Bereket Kiros / August 20, 2015
Politics Black Lives Matter protesters were (mostly) right Marissa Johnson and Mara Willaford address a crowd in Westlake Plaza. by Raymond Fenton / August 13, 2015
Culture The Weekend List: The funkiest party of Pride Weekend. The animals of painter Gaylen Hansen. Thai Curry Simple's after-dark Pop Up The Westerlies, a New York-based quartet with strong Seattle roots, plays the Royal Room on Sunday. by Florangela Davila / June 25, 2015