Podcast | Finding space with the Seattle UFO Network

Ahead of World UFO Day, we spoke with Carole Williams about the community she’s found with others who share her interest in extraterrestrials.

Photo of purported UFO

A 1952 photo of a purported UFO over Passaic, New Jersey. (Courtesy of Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group)

We’re talking aliens – and community – ahead of World UFO Day.  

People generally celebrate World UFO Day on July 2 – though historically the celebration has also been held on June 24, thanks to a 1947 event involving a pilot’s report of nine flying objects near Mount Rainier.   

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This incident spawned a flurry of sightings and popularized the phrase “flying saucers.”   

In this episode of Northwest Reports, host Maleeha Syed speaks with Carole Williams, an organizer with the Seattle UFO Network, about her interest in UFOs – and the community she’s found with others who share this interest.  

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