Homeless youth face barriers in learning during pandemic

For hundreds of youth living in shelters in the Seattle area access to schooling was already a challenge, but the impacts of the pandemic have added on a new layer of physical, mental and emotional hardships. Attending school via Zoom is challenging enough when you have a stable home, involved parents and a reliable internet connection. What happens when kids live in a homeless shelter? Youth housing programs around Washington worry that, as the school year continues remotely, the kids in their care will fall further behind. These youth often have had their schooling disrupted multiple times, and many are English-language learners trying to catch up with their peers. Completing their education is a critical step on the path to independence, but now that’s even harder. Youth and young adult housing programs say they are struggling to meet kids’ educational needs.

Reflections on "Senior Year Was Crazy"

Starla Sampaco speaks with producer Jen Dev and Jacquelyn Jimenez Romero, the subject of the recent documentary Senior Year Was Crazy. They talk through how Jackie is doing at college and the process of documenting someone’s life from a distance. Additionally, they discuss the barriers often faced by immigrant families and the larger struggles that they are dealing with during the pandemic.

Hacer la transición de la preparatoria a la universidad durante una pandemia

Jacquelyn Jiménez Romero estaba terminando un exitoso último año en la escuela preparatoria Franklin — presidente del consejo estudiantil, editora de anuario, destacada deportista — cuando COVID-19 lo cambió todo. Ahora se queda en casa con su mamá, dos hermanos menores y acceso limitado de internet. Pese a los desafíos que la familia enfrenta, ella asume la responsabilidad de ayudar a sus compañeros de clase a navegar la situación a la vez que sufre el estrés de escoger una universidad, dificultades económicas y un futuro incierto.

Watch this documentary in English: https://crosscut.com/video/crosscut-documentaries-senior-year-was-crazy…

Making the leap from high school to college during a pandemic

Jacquelyn Jimenez Romero was wrapping up a successful senior year at Franklin High School — student government president, yearbook editor, varsity athlete — when COVID-19 threw off everything. Now she finds herself at home with mom, two younger siblings and limited internet access. Despite her family's challenges, she steps up to help her schoolmates navigate the situation, all while dealing with the stress of college decisions, financial insecurity and uncertainty about the future.

Watch this documentary in Spanish: https://crosscut.com/video/crosscut-documentaries-senior-year-was-crazy…