
The crowd of Republicans seeking outgoing U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ seat in the 5th Congressional District is growing. The candidates come to the race with various levels of local, state and national government experience. 

McMorris Rodgers, R-Spokane, announced earlier this month she would not seek reelection after two decades in Congress. The 5th Congressional District covers 16,054 square miles in the easternmost part of the state and spans from Canada to the Idaho and Oregon borders. 

Among them is Spokane City Councilman Jonathan Bingle. A former pastor and founder/owner of the businesses Bent Trivia and Bent Events, he is a notable conservative in a City Council that recently elected progressives for mayor and Council president. 

Also running is State Rep. Jacquelin Maycumber. Maycumber, R-Republic, has represented the 7th Legislative District since 2017 and is the current House Republican Floor Leader.  

Ferry County Commissioner Brian Dansel also has filed documents with the Federal Election Commission. Dansel was appointed to the commissioner position in 2023 and also served in the position from 2010 to 2013, when he was elected to the Washington State Senate. Most recently, he worked in the Trump administration as a special assistant to former Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. 

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U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (U.S. House of Representatives)

Rene Holaday, a radio host and former aide to former State Rep. Matt Shea, also confirmed her candidacy on Radio Free Redoubt, a broadcast outlet that describes itself as an “emerging safe haven and refuge for God-fearing, Liberty-loving patriots.” 

Another Republican candidate is John Guenther, a retired state employee on another election run after running for U.S. Senate in 2022, placing fourth in the primary behind Sen. Patty Murray and Republican challenger Tiffany Smiley. Rounding out the Republican field is Anthony Jensen. 

The Republicans join Democratic candidates who earlier announced their campaigns: Ann Marie Danimus, Carmela Conroy, and Bernadine Bank. McMorris Rodgers has handily defeated Democratic opponents since her first Congressional election in 2004. Lisa Brown, former State Senator and Commerce director, came closest when she received 45% of votes in her loss to McMorris Rodgers in 2018. Brown recently started her first term as Spokane mayor.

Former Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward, whom Brown defeated in the general election in November, told The Spokesman-Review that she was considering joining the Congressional race. 

Hundreds of protesters gathered on the Capitol steps in Olympia on Tuesday afternoon to call for a ceasefire in Gaza and raise awareness of increased discrimination in Washington. 

The event was organized by the Washington Coalition for Peace and Justice, a coalition of Palestinian-Americans and allies working to enhance the lives of Palestinians across Washington.

No state legislators attended or spoke at the rally, sparking criticism from activists.

Although some Washington cities have passed ceasefire resolutions, including Seattle, Olympia and Bellingham, the Coalition is calling on the Washington Legislature to pass one at the state level, saying demonstrations like this are needed to pressure the federal government to do the same.

“I’m angry that we have to be here begging for the absolute bare minimum, which is to get the representatives, who swore to represent our interests, to say ceasefire,” author Ijeoma Oluo said.

Speakers also highlighted increased discrimination and hate crimes, as tensions between Israel and Palestine intensify. CAIR Washington reported receiving a staggering 2,171 complaints of Islamophobia since Oct. 7, while the Anti-Defamation League of the Pacific Northwest has seen over a 250% increase in antisemitic incidents since last year.

In this landscape, the Coalition says it will continue to promote legislation that protects their safety and freedom of speech and raise awareness about how the deaths of over 29,000 Palestinians in Gaza during the war with Israel have impacted their communities.

“Our communities face real threats and violence as evidenced by rising hate crimes nationally and locally,” the organization said in a media statement.

Gov. Inslee weighs in on AI use by Washington government agencies

Gov. Jay Inslee

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee speaks during a legislative session preview in the Cherberg Building at the Capitol. (AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson)

Gov. Jay Inslee signed an executive order Tuesday to establish guidelines on how state agencies deal with generative artificial intelligence.

WaTech, the agency operating the state’s technology, will lead other agencies in developing guidelines over the next year. “It’s our duty to the public to be thorough and thoughtful in how we adopt these powerful new tools,” Inslee said in a news release.

Inslee’s executive order mirrors the issues discussed in two legislative bills and a House declaration on generative AI, the type of artificial intelligence that is creative, generating pictures or writing articles. 

The Washington House is awaiting a floor vote on a declaration by Rep. Kristine Reeves, D-Federal Way, that would set up a “Bill of Rights” on AI issues.

Meanwhile, Rep. Travis Couture  R-Allyn, and Sen. Joe Nguyen, D-White Center, have introduced parallel bills in the House and Senate calling for the creation of a 42-person study task force to begin meeting this year to come up with recommendations on how the Legislature and state government should address AI issues. The task force’s preliminary recommendations would be due to the governor’s office and to the Legislature by Dec.1, 2025, with a final report by June 1, 2027.

Nguyen’s bill is in the Senate Ways & Means Committee. Couture’s bill was due to be moved out of the house Consumer Protection & Business Committee Wednesday.

In the Inslee news release, Nick Stowe, the state’s chief technology officer, said generative AI could also provide state agencies opportunities for language translation, code generation and contract management. 

The governor’s announcement also noted some pitfalls to using generative AI – including bias in programs and the impact on vulnerable communities, as well as the impact on people’s health, safety and rights – and called for addressing those concerns by the end of 2024.

The news release listed areas of concern into AI use for biometric identification, critical infrastructure, employment, health care, law enforcement and the administration of democratic processes.

Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell has informed city department directors and finance managers that the city is implementing a hiring freeze for most positions. The move comes as the city faces a projected budget deficit that could reach as much as $251 million by 2025.

The freeze exempts public safety hires including police officers, firefighters and employees at the new CARE “dual dispatch” department. It also exempts employees backfilling for those using the city’s paid parental or family care leave and employees “providing essential public services,” according to a mayoral spokesperson. Exemptions for positions providing essential public services will be decided on a case by case basis but might include, for example, civilian staff in the police and fire departments.

Offers of employment made before Jan. 19 are not affected.

The city jobs website shows 115 open positions as of Jan. 22, though at least 14 of them are public safety positions exempt from the freeze.

The number of open jobs underplays the scope of vacancies in city departments. For example, according to data obtained by Crosscut, City Light, Public Utilities and Parks and Recreation had 287, 171 and 137 vacant positions, respectively, as of August 2022.

The Coalition of City Unions, which represents nearly 6,000 city workers in 11 unions, said pay and safety issues have contributed to the lingering vacancies.

The projected general fund budget deficit stems from a combination of tax revenue decreases, the impact of inflation, and a likely increase to city employee wages. The Coalition of City Unions and the Seattle Police Officers Guild are both currently bargaining new contracts with the city.

In an email, the mayor’s spokesperson said, “The city is taking a comprehensive approach to addressing the forecasted budget gap and structural budget issues, including thorough analysis of current city spending and an array of strategies to drive efficiencies, optimize investments, and prioritize the needs of residents, in collaboration with the City Council.”

He continued, saying that the mayor is still considering all options for addressing the shortfall, including “the potential for new or adjusted revenue sources.”

Harrell and former Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda convened a task force in 2022 to explore new progressive tax ideas for the city, in response to earlier projections of the coming budget deficit. That task force came up with nine ideas for new or expanded city taxes.

Trump stays on Washington primary ballot, judge rules

A hand holds election ballots in their mailing envelops in a bin.

Ballots are processed at the King County Elections headquarters in Renton for Washington’s primary election on March 10, 2020. (Dorothy Edwards/Crosscut)

A Thurston County judge dismissed a challenge to disqualify former president Donald Trump from the ballot of the March 12 presidential primary. 

In a hearing Thursday morning, Thurston County Superior Court Judge Mary Sue Wilson ruled that Secretary of State Steve Hobbs' office made no errors in including Trump on the primary ballot. In Washington, state law allows any voter to challenge a candidate’s right to be on a ballot on several grounds, including felony convictions, election officer misconduct and eligibility for the office.

Eight Kitsap County voters had challenged Trump’s inclusion on the primary ballot, arguing that the former president should be excluded based on his eligibility outlined by federal law. They cited Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which disqualifies government office holders who have supported an insurrection from holding a federal office. Trump was impeached by Congress in 2021 on a charge of inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection, but was acquitted by the Senate, where a simple majority voted to convict – 10 votes short of the two-thirds supermajority necessary for conviction. The conviction vote was made largely along party lines, though seven Republicans voted with Democrats to convict.

Wilson also declined to remove Trump’s name from the general election ballot, saying it would be “premature” to do so at this time. But Wilson added that her decision doesn’t block any future challenges to Trump’s inclusion on November’s ballot. 

Washington is one of 35 states where Trump’s eligibility to run for president in 2024 has been challenged. The challenges either have been dismissed or rejected in at least 15 states. Two of the states, Maine and Colorado, disqualified the former president from their ballots, though those decisions are under appeal. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear the Colorado case on Feb. 8.

Washington’s Democratic and Republican parties use the results of the primary as one factor to select state delegates to their national conventions, where the parties choose their general-election presidential and vice-presidential candidates. Primary voters in Washington must choose only one political party on their return envelope and then vote for one person in that party’s slate of candidates.

The state Republican Party named Donald J. Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Chris Christie as its primary candidates; and the state Democratic Party named Joseph R. Biden Jr., Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson as its candidates.

U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear WA capital gains tax case

U.S. Supreme Court

The U.S. Supreme Court building. (Associated Press photo)

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case challenging Washington state’s capital gains tax. 

A group looking to repeal the law appealed to the Supreme Court last August, following a March ruling by the Washington Supreme Court to uphold the law, which puts a 7% tax on profits from the sales of stocks and bonds exceeding $250,000, with exemptions for sales of real estate, retirement accounts, livestock and timber for ranching or farming. There’s also a special deduction for the sale of family-owned businesses.  

Those who have pushed the capital gains tax, passed in 2021, see it as a move toward a less-regressive tax system, including a first step toward an income tax. Implementing an income tax, however, has been unpopular — with Washington residents rejecting several measures that would do so. 

However, the Washington Supreme Court deemed in its ruling on the case, Quinn v. Washington, that the new tax was on the sale of goods and services, not income. 

In its first year, the tax generated $889 million, according to November figures from the state Department of Revenue. The first $500 million was allocated to a state fund for K-12 education and child-care programs. The remaining dollars are expected to go to an account paying for school construction.

Here are the 8 finalists for Seattle City Council’s vacant seat

council members sit in chambers behind the dais

Councilmembers listen to public comments during the Seattle City Council’s first meeting of the year at City Hall, Jan. 2, 2024. Teresa Mosqueda, fourth from left, was elected to King County Council and vacated her seat. (David Ryder for Crosscut)

On Friday, the Seattle City Council took the next step toward filling the vacant citywide District 8 position with the nomination of eight finalists for consideration. The position was left open by former Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda’s election to King County Council.

The finalists were chosen from a list of 72 qualified applicants who applied before the Jan. 9. deadline. During a special meeting Friday afternoon, each councilmember was allowed to nominate one finalist.

Councilmember Bob Kettle nominated Tanya Woo, a Chinatown-International District community advocate and business owner who lost to incumbent Tammy Morales in November’s District 2 election. Like many of the new councilmembers who won office in November, Woo made public safety and police hiring a centerpiece of her campaign.

Councilmember Cathy Moore nominated Neha Nariya, but noted that Woo was her first pick. Nariya operates her family’s business, the Civic Hotel in Pioneer Square, and is a Seattle Hotel Association board member.

Councilmember Tammy Morales nominated Mari Sugiyama, a longtime grants and contracts manager at the Seattle Human Services Department.

Councilmember Maritza Rivera nominated Juan Cotto, a government affairs and community relations strategist at Bloodworks Northwest, a nonprofit blood bank. Rivera also noted that Woo was her first pick. 

Councilmember Rob Saka nominated Mark Solomon, a longtime Seattle Police Department crime-prevention coordinator. Solomon lost the District 2 race to Morales in the 2019 election. 

Councilmember Dan Strauss nominated Vivian Song, a Seattle Public Schools board member elected to the school board in 2021.

Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth nominated Linh Thai, a former district staffer for Congressman Adam Smith who now works as operations manager for a military veteran nonprofit called The Mission Continues.

Council President Sara Nelson nominated Steven Strand, a Seattle Police Department captain in the West Precinct and 33-year veteran of the force.

The finalists will answer questions at a public forum hosted by Seattle City Club, likely to be held on Jan. 17 or 18 at City Hall. On Jan. 22 they will answer questions at a special City Council meeting before the Council votes on an appointee on Jan. 23.

Housing density bill passes WA House on day one of 2024 session

a photo of two homes under construction side by side

Two houses under construction in a Seattle neighborhood, photographed Aug. 2, 2014. (Ted S. Warren/AP)

State lawmakers are wasting no time getting going on their 2024 housing agenda.

On Monday, the first day of the 2024 legislative session, the House of Representatives voted 94-4 to pass House Bill 1245, which would allow single-family parcels to be divided into two lots to incentivize the development of more and smaller single-family homes.

“Washington is producing the fewest housing units per household of any state because we are hampered by restrictive zoning laws and an antiquated Growth Management Act,” said lead sponsor Rep. Andrew Barkis, R-Olympia, in an emailed statement after the bill’s passage Monday. “This bill would remove unnecessary barriers to provide Washingtonians more homeownership opportunities and the ability to develop their own property.”

The bill aims to allow for denser development within existing single-family neighborhoods. And because the houses will be smaller by necessity, the hope is that they will be sold for less than the typical large single-family home built today.

Barkis also said that “lot splitting could be a major source of affordable housing for young professionals, seniors and everyone in between.”

A nearly identical version of the bill passed out of the House in 2023, but died in Senate committee without receiving a vote.

If it passes this year, Washington property owners in any residential zone that allows single-family units would be allowed to split a lot and sell it for construction of a second unit. The bill stipulates that each lot could be no smaller than 1,500 feet and must be at least 40% the size of the original lot.

For many cities this would be a marked change. Existing zoning laws, which vary by city, set minimum lot sizes for single-family homes. The longtime standard in Seattle, for example, was one unit per a minimum of 5,000 square feet in single-family zones.

The impact would be muted in Seattle because single-family homeowners can already build two accessory dwelling units on any residential lot — one attached to the main house and one free-standing. Accessory dwelling units can be sold to individual owners in Seattle through condominium agreements.

But even for Seattle, there could be benefits. In its analysis of the 2023 version of the bill, the think tank Sightline said that lot splitting would allow for simpler ownership and easier mortgage financing than backyard cottage condo setups.

More generally, Sightline said, lot splitting would help create starter homes, provide lower-priced entry points to amenity-rich single-family neighborhoods, disincentivize demolition of older homes for construction of McMansions and more.

Lot splitting is just one of many housing bills lawmakers hope to tackle in the short 60-day session. Others include rent stabilization, increasing density near transit and finding a new dedicated revenue source for subsidized affordable housing construction.

HB1245 now heads to the Senate for consideration.

A conservative group Thursday handed in signatures for Initiative 2124, which could effectively dismantle WA Cares, Washington state’s social insurance program for long-term care. If approved, I-2124 would among other things change the law so residents could opt out of the program and its 0.58% payroll tax.

Passed by the Legislature in 2019, the WA Cares Act is intended to help qualifying residents pay for in-home nursing or respite care, meal deliveries and other home-care items like wheelchair ramps. In July, employers began withholding money from employees’ paychecks for the program through a payroll tax.

The program had a rocky rollout, with the Democratic-controlled Legislature and Gov. Jay Inslee having to pause and make changes to the law. Conservatives have critiqued the program, its 0.58% payroll tax, and benefit eligibility requirements meaning that not everyone who pays the taxes will be able to use the fund.

A coalition that works to support the WA Cares Act released a statement blasting the proposed initiative shortly after the petitions were turned in.

“Millions of working Washingtonians are counting on the WA Cares Fund to help pay for their care in case of injury, illness, or age,” Jessica Gomez, campaign manager for We Care For WA Cares, said in prepared remarks. “By effectively repealing WA Cares, this initiative would force workers to choose between depleting their savings to qualify for Medicaid, or betting on long-term care insurance only the wealthiest can afford.”

I-2124 is the last of six proposed initiatives submitted by GOP-backed group Let’s Go Washington, potentially putting major Democratic policies from recent years on the November election ballot. Also included in the half-dozen initiatives is a measure to repeal the state capital gains tax, one to roll back the state’s carbon-reduction law and one to loosen a law restricting law enforcement vehicle pursuits. The state secretary of state’s office will begin checking the petitions in the coming days to make sure enough signatures are from valid Washington voters.

In a statement after the signatures were turned in, Redmond businessman Brian Heywood – who is leading and providing the bulk of the funding for Let’s Go Washington – called the WA Cares Act “deeply flawed” and looked forward to the qualifying of the six initiatives.

 “Washington voters want to be able to pay their bills, protect their family and build a future here in this state,” Heywood said in prepared remarks. “Each of these initiatives will help us bring the state back into line with these priorities and fix what is broken.”

If Let’s Go Washington’s measures qualify, they’ll go first to the Legislature, where lawmakers are scheduled to begin the legislative session Jan. 8. Lawmakers can either approve initiatives to the Legislature or take no action, which would then send such measures to the November election ballot. The Legislature could also approve an alternative measure, in which case both the alternative and the initiative would go to the ballot.

Lisa Brown is sworn in as the new mayor of Spokane

Lisa Brown during election night in November 2023

Lisa Brown speaks with an attendee at an election-night results watch party at Spokane’s Riverside Place, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (Young Kwak for Crosscut)

Calling for a “better way” going forward, Spokane Mayor-elect Lisa Brown took her oath of office Wednesday during a ceremony at the Central Library. 

She replaces outgoing Mayor Nadine Woodward after one of the most contentious local races in last month’s general elections in Washington. Brown’s term officially starts on Jan. 1. 

Following taking the oath, Brown said she felt different ways at once, including “terror” at the complicated problems she would tackle. “I fully expect, despite all the great jobs I’ve had in my life, that this will be the hardest one.” 

But at the same time, she said she was also excited because of the many “talented, passionate and compassionate people who want to be part of making Spokane better.”

“In essence, I feel hopeful for our city,” she said.

Brown comes to the mayor position with extensive public service experience that has included representing Spokane in the Washington State Legislature for more than two decades. Most recently, she served as director of the Washington state Department of Commerce. 

Brown said in preparation for her term she invited nearly 100 people of diverse experience and backgrounds to participate in work groups to identify issues and solutions in five areas — public safety, health and housing, economy and workforce, environment and sustainability, and families and communities. 

Brown said she didn’t expect Spokane’s divisions to disappear with her election but believed the city could overcome them over time by working together. 

It’s time for us to come together and focus on solutions, not jurisdictions, on people, not political differences, to join hands instead of pointing fingers,” Brown said. “A better way starts now, and it starts with all of us.”

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Lisa Brown takes the oath of office at Spokane's Central Library. on Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2023. (Screenshot courtesy of Spokane Public Library live stream)

Brown defeated Woodward during last month’s general election, 51.74% to 47.71%. The race generated more contributions than any other local race statewide, including ones for Seattle City Council seats. 

Councilwoman-elect Kitty Klitzke also was sworn in during Wednesday’s ceremony. Klitzke had campaigned alongside Brown and previously worked for Brown during her 2018 run for U.S. Congress against U.S. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

Klitzke said working for Brown’s congressional campaign inspired her continued involvement in public service. 

“I do want to thank Lisa Brown, who is a leader and always leaves the door open behind her and beacons the next generation in,” she said.