Republicans ask SCOTUS to intervene in redistricting Central WA

U.S. Supreme Court building

The sun rises behind the U.S. Supreme Court building on Oct. 11, 2022 in Washington, D.C. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

A group of conservative Latino voters is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to get involved with lawsuits over Washington’s 2021 political redistricting process.

They want the justices to change the outcome of two U.S. District Court cases related to the 15th Legislative District, a Latino voter-majority district in Central Washington. 

In an August ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Lasnik sided with Latino voters who filed suit in January 2022 over the new boundaries of 15th District, saying it violated the federal Voting Rights Act. The plaintiffs of the case, Palmer vs. Hobbs, contend that while the district met the required percentage of voters to be a majority-Latino district, the bipartisan Washington State Redistricting Commission drew the district in a way that diluted their voting power. Lasnik set a January deadline for a new map to be drawn. 

Latino Republicans, who intervened in the Palmer case, believed the ruling was flawed and accused the federal district court of entertaining a “partisan charade.” The group also wants the U.S. Supreme Court to address a separate request to resurrect a related case, Garcia vs. Hobbs, deemed moot by Lasnik in his ruling on Palmer

The group, which includes State Rep. Alex Ybarra, R-Quincy, filed an appeal to the U.S. Courts of Appeals Ninth Circuit but is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review Palmer v. Hobbs before judgment there. Reviewing a case directly from a lower court has been historically rare, but the U.S. Supreme Court has granted more of these petitions in recent years.  

The core argument is that the 15th District already has a majority-Latino voter population and elected a Latina — Republican Nikki Torres — to the state Senate in 2022, the only election held thus far under the current map. They say Palmer v. Hobbs aims to get Democrats elected in a conservative region.

“This litigation is a partisan’s playbook on how to use race as a proxy for political preference to persuade a court to redraw a district’s boundaries to favor one political party,” attorneys said in a filing with the U.S. Supreme Court. 

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Washington state House Republicans have selected Rep. Drew Stokesbary, R-Auburn, to become their minority leader.

First elected in 2014 from the 31st Legislative District, Stokesbary is the ranking Republican on the House Appropriations Committee, which deals with spending and budget matters. He takes over from Rep. J.T. Wilcox, a Republican from Yelm who announced on Sunday he would step down from leadership.

“As a lifelong Washingtonian, I know the incredible potential of our state, but too many of our challenges have been exacerbated by single-party control," said Stokesbary in prepared remarks. "I'm proud that House Republicans are fighting for real solutions to the critical issues affecting our state, including public safety, student performance and tax relief.

In addition, Rep. Mike Steele, R-Chelan, was selected deputy Republican leader. First elected in 2016, he takes over the position from longtime Rep. Joel Kretz, R-Wauconda. Steele is currently the ranking Republican on the House Capital Budget Committee.

Democrats currently control the House 58-40.