Sen. Kevin Van De Wege to run for Washington Lands Commissioner

Washington state Sen. Kevin Van De Wege, D-Port Angeles, announced a bid Wednesday for Public Lands Commissioner in 2024.

A statewide elected position, the Lands Commissioner oversees the Washington Department of Natural Resources and, among other things, the state’s wildland firefighting capabilities. 

Wednesday’s announcement comes as current Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz pursues a bid for governor in next year’s election.

In a statement, Van De Wege, a moderate whose Olympic Peninsula legislative district is one of the last rural regions in Washington to elect Democrats, touted his experience as a career firefighter.

"When I say I understand the danger and destruction caused by wildfires, which are becoming more frequent and more destructive, I speak from experience,” Van De Wege said in prepared remarks. “Of everything our state Department of Natural Resources [DNR] can do, preventing and reducing wildfires needs to top the list.”

First elected to the Senate in 2016, Van De Wege previously served five terms in the state House. He currently chairs the Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee.

King County Metropolitan Council Chair Dave Upthegrove has already said he is leaning toward a bid for Lands Commissioner next year. Upthegrove is a three-term council member who previously served in the Legislature, including time chairing the House Environment Committee.

Also this week, Nick Brown, U.S. attorney for the Western District of Washington, announced he was stepping down from that position. Brown is reportedly interested in running for state Attorney General, as incumbent and Democrat Bob Ferguson also pursues a gubernatorial bid. Brown previously served as counsel to Gov. Jay Inslee.

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Washington state House Republicans have selected Rep. Drew Stokesbary, R-Auburn, to become their minority leader.

First elected in 2014 from the 31st Legislative District, Stokesbary is the ranking Republican on the House Appropriations Committee, which deals with spending and budget matters. He takes over from Rep. J.T. Wilcox, a Republican from Yelm who announced on Sunday he would step down from leadership.

“As a lifelong Washingtonian, I know the incredible potential of our state, but too many of our challenges have been exacerbated by single-party control," said Stokesbary in prepared remarks. "I'm proud that House Republicans are fighting for real solutions to the critical issues affecting our state, including public safety, student performance and tax relief.

In addition, Rep. Mike Steele, R-Chelan, was selected deputy Republican leader. First elected in 2016, he takes over the position from longtime Rep. Joel Kretz, R-Wauconda. Steele is currently the ranking Republican on the House Capital Budget Committee.

Democrats currently control the House 58-40.