Here's a strange pre-election twist: the latest polls indicate Washington's youth voters are overwhelmingly in favor of Barack Obama — and Republican Dino Rossi. Really? Yup.
Though supporters of Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire had hoped yesterday's highly politicized deposition of Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi would yield a "smoking gun" in the Buildergate...
At times, Tim Eyman's efforts to get attention for his initiatives have bordered on the comic, such as when he showed up at a 2006 press event dressed as Darth Vader.
If you have a history of making inappropriate comments to women — for God's sake — take care not to make additional inappropriate comments to women who happen to be reporters, lest you lose your lands...
Here's why Mayor Greg Nickels is fond of cutting programs he didn't create, why Dino Rossi's future may be growing dim, and why King County will have extra time off next year.
The order from a King County Superior Court judge for Rossi to be deposed may not be the kiss of death for the Republican's campaign, but another week of headlines about the allegations aren't going...