Millennials rule (Crosscut's Young Professionals Board)


Crosscut's Young Professionals Board

Over the past nine months, our team has had the pleasure of working with Crosscut members Vera Hoang and Alyssa Patrick to explore ways for public media to better serve and empower millennials. A direct result of this effort is the launch of the Crosscut Young Professionals Board, with 11 inaugural members now beginning their first two-year term. Hoang and Patrick will serve as the board’s co-presidents.

Board members range in age from 22 to 38 years old. They are both Puget Sound natives and transplants, and come from a broad range of industries and backgrounds. What they have in common is a desire to help our community navigate a changing media landscape, and help our media elevate the perspectives of that community equitably.

This team of accomplished young professionals will go beyond our newsroom and into the community to increase awareness of quality journalism, listen to perspectives and voices underrepresented in traditional media, and engage more young people in civil, bipartisan dialogue. They will also partner with our newsroom to help bring more perspectives to the issues of growth and equity in our region. Each board member will also take the lead on an engagement event or project aimed to achieve those goals.

We invite you to meet the Board at this Friday’s Courage Awards, where they will join forces with public media supporters to celebrate bold, courageous leadership in our region.

You can read more about the board, along with bios of each member here.

The Crosscut Young Professionals Board is made possible in part with support from the Henry M. Jackson Foundation.


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About the Authors & Contributors

Cambria Roth

Cambria Roth

Cambria Roth is formerly a digital editor at Crosscut, where she curated and wrote Crosscut’s daily, weekly and election newsletters.