President Obama is hanging out with Queen Elizabeth and generally wowing London today. In that spirit, how about a little British humor of the famously self-deprecating sort?
In 2007 then prime minister Gordon Brown wanted a national motto to capture "Britishness" in a pithy phrase. Here are five-word responses submitted by readers of The Times (London):
Dipso, Fatso, Bingo, Asbo, Tesco.Britain; a terribly nice place.
Less stuffy than we sound.
Turned out quite nice again.
Sorry, is this the queue?
At least we're not French.
Once-mighty empire, slightly used.
Americans who missed the boat.
Fair's fair, so we ask our commenters to try to match this wit with five-word phrases to capture "Seattleness." And thanks to former Seattleite David Hancocks for sending along this item from faraway Melbourne, where he now lives.