Thanks, good people! Crosscut beat its Membership goals

We also have two winners to announce, including the grand prize of an iPad 2.

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We also have two winners to announce, including the grand prize of an iPad 2.

Good work, beloved community! We soared past our goal on the last day, raising $1,577 beyond the goal, adding 136 Members and renewals to the roster and putting us over 700 in the Membership rolls. Thanks to all who joined, and we'll hope to see many of you at future Member events.

The winner of the grand prize, in a drawing from all the donors, is Norman Tjaden of Seattle. The winner of the last day's drawing is Barbara Dykes of Bellingham, who gets a $25 gift certificate for Elliott Bay Books.

Thanks to all the organizations that donated prizes, to Marilyn Hoe of our staff for coordinating the gifts and the drive, to generous donors who provided challenge matches, and to all you patient readers who had to endure too many messages from me. We'll reward your patience with lots of good new stories in the year to come.

I can't resist one last plug. In case guilt has finally got to you, you are of course still welcome to join up. No iPad chance this round, but all kinds of nice Member benefits.


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