Letter from the publisher: Remember Crosscut at year-end

Members are invited to a Holiday Open House, and you may also want to give a Crosscut sponsorship as a gift.
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David Brewster

Members are invited to a Holiday Open House, and you may also want to give a Crosscut sponsorship as a gift.

Crosscut is now a nonprofit, community-owned, member-supported media organization. Here at the end of the tax year, I hope you will become an annual member by making a tax-deductible donation. It's easy to do online. These are tough times for media organizations, so I hope you can be generous, as members are the main source of our support.

One of the member benefits is frequent members-only free gatherings, and members (old and new) are invited to our Holiday Open House, here at Crosscut offices, 309 Cedar Street in north Belltown. It will be Wednesday, Dec. 16, 4:30-7:30 pm. Members come free, and you can join at the door or join before that date. We'll have food and drink, plus a short program (around 6 pm) where Mossback (Knute Berger) and our new editor, Mark Matassa, will lead a discussion soliciting your ideas for Crosscut in the coming year. You can also meet writers, staffers, and board members.

We've just added a new member benefit you might want to consider for your holiday gifts. Members at the $250 level and above may be day sponsors of the site. We'll post your name as sponsor, and you can add a short message (20 words) wishing a friend some greeting or paying tribute to a favorite charitable cause (with link to its site). It makes a nice gift — to Crosscut, to a friend, to a cause. Tax-deductible, too. Details on the donate page.

Thanks for all your support. I look forward to meeting you at the party.


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