Microsoft to XP Crowd: 'And we'll be honest, it could take you a couple of hours'

Upgrading to Windows 7? Redmond's video guide, while helpful, seems almost like an Apple-produced parody.
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Upgrading to Windows 7? Redmond's video guide, while helpful, seems almost like an Apple-produced parody.

Perhaps people do exist who are truly agnostic when it comes to their preferred computer operating system, happy to work with whatever is at hand. Haven't met many of those. More common are the fervid Mac people or the die-hard Windows crowd or those Linux true believers and so on. Motivations vary but the levels of passion (cultish) of each camp are roughly comparable.

This came up after viewing an online training video from Microsoft on how to upgrade from Windows XP to the new Windows 7 (for those skipping over the much-maligned Windows Vista).

Many PC users never left XP, which had proved reasonably stable and seemed not worth abandoning after the early rumors of Vista's dodginess began to surface. Others simply wanted to get off the hardware/software upgrade merry-go-round and take a breather from boom-fueled PC fleet replacements every 18 months. Factor in the time needed to accomplish an operating-system switch and multiply that by number of seats in the house or the company and Windows XP seemed ... good enough.

That said, if you're thinking of switching to Windows 7 now, please view this helpful upgrade announcement from Microsoft first. Depending on which camp you're in it may seem like unintentional self-parody or a straightforward effort to help you navigate the E-Z task ahead.

Those who've migrated to the comfy-sweater friendliness of Apple's iMac in recent years certainly will have an opinion. Others may think: root canal.

What do you think?


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About the Authors & Contributors

Matt A. Fikse

Matt A. Fikse

Matt Fikse-Verkerk (Twitter: @mattfikse) covered urban affairs, politics, tech, and business at Crosscut from 2009 to 2014. He lives in Seattle and works for a biotechnology firm in Redmond, WA.