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Introducing the new celebrities – Nobel laureates.
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Introducing the new celebrities – Nobel laureates.

You've heard of Paris Hilton, Brad Pitt, Beyoncé Knowles, and Kobe Bryant. But how about Albert Fert and Peter Grunberg? Mario Capecchi, Martin Evans, and Oliver Smithies? Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Mashin, and Roger Myerson?

These are the 2007 Nobel Laureates, respectively, for physics, medicine, and economics.

Nobel Prize winners may soon become celebrities with the launch of Time Warner's new weekly magazine, NobelPeople. "This will make Nobel Laureates rock stars," predicted Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes.

Asked if he was trying to present better role models to readers, Bewkes replied he was simply looking for a new source of celebrities. "Given People, US Weekly, Star, inTouch, and OK, there is little more to say about Britney, Oprah, Brad and Angelina, and J. Lo," he explained.

The inaugural issue of NobelPeople features the following stories:Doris Lessing Offered $1 Million for Girls Gone Wild

Joe Francis's Girls Gone Wild has offered Doris Lessing, the 2007 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, a $1 million deal for a photo spread and tour.

"She's hot," Francis said in a statement. "It's clear that the public wants to see more of her. This is a serious offer, and I hope she gets back to me right away." Francis wants Lessing to share her story in print and on DVD and tour with Girls Gone Wild.

Tell NobelPeople: Should Doris do Girls Gone Wild?

Edmund Phelps in New York: "I'm Having a Blast!"

"I haven't really gotten a lot of sleep!" the 2006 Nobel winning economist admitted. His latest gig with Columbia University brings him to the Big Apple, where he tells NobelPeople, "I'm having a blast! I'm just grovin' on the bright lights and the big city. However, I can't get used to the prices here," he revealed. "How's that for an economist?"

No Stars for Elfriede

A rep for Elfriede Jelenik denied reports that the 2004 Literature Laureate would appear on Dancing With the Stars. "The story in US Weekly is completely false. It couldn't be further from the truth," the rep tells NobelPeople.

Who Is the Most Peaceful?

Al Gore (2007), Muhammad Yunnus (2006), Wangari Muta Maathai (2005), of Shirin Ebadi (2003)? You decide! Vote for your Favorite Peace Laureate at!

Career Coach: What Gerhard Ertl Should Do Next

What's the next act for the 2007 Chemistry Laureate? NobelPeople consulted Allison Hemming, founder of New York-based career consulting firm Hired Gun and author of How to Get Ahead.

  1. Record an album! "He should be talking to agents and managers," Hemming says, adding that he should snap up a buzzed-about producer – say, Timbaland – to legitimize his star status. "Keep the music light and poppy."
  2. Get a reality show! "Within three months, he could be in front of the camera," Hemming advises. The show should follow him as he records his first album. Ertl "can show himself as not just another chemist."
  3. Release a tell-all! First, "get a Vanity Fair story – it will set him in a literary circle," Hemming counsels. Next, hire a ghostwriter. "He should partner with a person whose personal strength is story telling. ... Gerhard needs to come across in a positive light."
  4. Go on Oprah! "Oprah is a home run!" Hemming says. But Ertl should wait until he has a project (ahem, that reality show!) to promote. "He should talk about what he's learned and where he wants to take his life. Send a good message – Oprah's all about hope!"
Yves Chauvin Makes Offer on House

Yves Chauvin and his brood may be saying bien-venue to a new maison. The 2005 Chemistry Laureate made an offer on an old stone house in Rueil-Malmaison, near the Institut Francais du Petrole, where Yves works. As his prepares for more research, Yves is close to sealing a deal for a three-bedroom house with vaulted ceilings. "My wife loves old stone houses like this one," Yves tells NobelPeople.

Imre Kertesz Celebrates His Birthday in Budapest

Even though Imre Kertesz claims to have put his partying past behind him, there's one party he's still up for: his birthday bash in Budapest. On Friday night, the Nobel Laureate (Literature '02) took a break from writing to ring in his 79th birthday at a trendy Budapest restaurant.

As he entered the restaurant, a dapper-looking Kertesz - wearing a chic gray suit - said he felt "great" about turning 79. Flanked by a group of pals and family, he headed straight to his VIP table, where he was greeted by an ex-girlfriend.

Frank Wilczek: Three Years Later, Physics is Better Than Ever

After winning the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004, Frank Wilczek had a tough time. "I had a few papers turned down, my dad was diagnosed with dementia, and I was going through a divorce," Frank tells NobelPeople exclusively.

But three years later, his life has taken a turn for the better. "I'm in a fantastic place. I have a wonderful new wife, I just published two important papers, and I'm having so much fun." Frank hopes to hook up this summer with David Gross and H. David Plitzer, with whom he shared the 2004 prize, for "a little physics and a little R&R. It will be like a family reunion."

On the Web at!
  • Mohamed ElBaradei (Peace '05) Shares His Top 10 Tips For World Peace
  • NobelPeople Poll: Who is the Sexiest 2007 Medicine Laureate? Mario Capecchi? Martin Evans? Oliver Smithies? You decide.
  • Robert J. Auman (Economics 2006) Sports a New Yarmulke. Fashion Faux Pas?
  • Celebrity Sightings: Physics Hunks Cavort At CERN Conference; Attendees Swoon Over 2005 Physics Winners Roy Glauber, John Hall, and Theodor Hansch
  • J. Robin Warren's miracle diet: 2005 Medicine Laureate Sheds 25 Pounds
  • NobelPeople Insider: What Were They Sniffing? 2004 Physiology Winners Discover New Odorant Receptors
  • NobelPeople Galleries: What the Stars Wore to the Economics Awards
  • Splittsville? Are 2006 Physics Laureates Mather and Smoot Bickering?
  • NobelPeople Exclusive: First Pics of Thomas Shelling's (2005 Economics) First Grandchild
  • NobelPeople Contest: Win a Date With Leonid Hurwicz (Economics 2007)

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